Painting From Above by
Dean Hunter-Cutrona
All samples, of course, are copyright 1997 by Richard Hunter, and all rights are reserved.
The Second Act of Free Being continues Hunter's tradition of performances in real time without overdubs, and includes two duets with Jerome Harris on acoustic guitar and a duet with Susan Hunter-Cutrona on vocals. Harris's credits include 15 years as accompanist (on bass and guitar) to jazz tenor saxophone giant Sonny Rollins, as well as several full length recordings as leader (most recently Hidden in Plain View, a collection of works by Eric Dolphy, on New World/Counter Currents 80472-2.) We are tremendously excited about Harris's participation in this project. Click here to read more about Jerome and his work.
The CD was recorded at Charles Eller Studios, Hinesburg, VT; Park West Studios, Brooklyn, NY; Abel Studios, Norwalk, CT; and Edge Studios, Fairfield, CT, from April 1997 to November 1997. Mixing was done at Charles Eller Studios in November 1997.
The full lineup for the CD includes the following:
How Long Have I Loved You: a jazzy duet with guitar. Played in 2nd position on the Natural minor harmonica. Here are a couple of samples:
Belas World: original composition, very contrapuntal, very Bartokian. Natural minor harmonica.
You Gonna Need Somebody on Your Bond: the Taj Mahal tune in a solo harmonica arrangement. LOTS of counterpoint in real time. Standard diatonic harmonica.
Blue Hunter: original 16-bar blues composition. Duet with guitar. Standard diatonic, 2nd position. Here are the samples:
From Above: solo composition for standard diatonic in 5th (E minor on a C harmonica) and 2nd positions. BIG wide intervals on this one, lots of counterpoint.
Blues for Charlie: a highly contrapuntal solo piece, dedicated to Charlie Mingus. Dorian minor-tuned harmonica in 3rd position.
New Country Stomp: original composition, uptempo country feel. Melody Maker harmonica.
Cycle Song: a short, upbeat solo piece in vamping style. Standard diatonic harmonica in 2nd position.
Requiem: An original solo composition with lots of 2-part counterpoint and some beautiful harmonies. The completed composition was premiered at the 1997 SPAH Convention, where it was a big hit. Dorian minor harmonica in 3rd position.