Video of the Day 7 July 2013: Rob Paparozzi with the Shoos, Live in Dublin
Upcoming Gig at Alpine Wines in Driggs, Aug 2 2013
I’ve just booked a gig for Friday, August 2 at Alpine Wines on Main Street in Driggs, Idaho. The first set starts at 7 PM, and overlaps the Friday night wine tasting, so come early! I’m performing at this gig with Susan Berkenfield, who I’ve…
Video of the Day 30 June 2013: Konstantin Reinfeld, “Seven Orange”
Video of the Day 26 June 2013: Boris Plotnikov, “Hair Up”
Two Days, Three Jams in London
I was in London Sunday through Tuesday of this week, which was perfect for checking out some blues jams. On Sunday, I hit the afternoon jam at Ain’t Nothin’ But The Blues and the evening jam at TCR (Tottenham Court Restaurant). The two clubs are…
Audio of the Day 2 June 2013: Blues Birdhead, “Mean Low Blues” (1929)
Video of the Day 25 May 2013: Pablo Fagundes, “Voo da Mosca”
Video of the Day 9 May 2013: the Ford Brothers Band, 2006
A blast from my past, courtesy of Randy Singer
Randy Singer is one of the best-known harmonica players in Miami and thereabouts, and we’ve known each other since roughly 1980. Randy just unearthed the clip below and sent it to me, and I was glad to get it. It’s a solo I played on…
Video of the Day 26 March 2013: Eugene Ryan and Liz Davis Maxwell, “The Kerfunken Jig”
The Kerfunken Jig is a traditional Irish piece, performed here by my Dublin harmonica buddy Eugene Ryan and Liz Davis Maxwell on cello. The instrumentation of chromatic harmonica (very nicely rendered by Eugene) and cello is fresh, and the performance is smooth and flowing. I’m…
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