Video of the Day 12 March 2013: Steve Baker Talks Tone
Steve Baker’s got buckets full of tone. Want to know how he does it? Check this out. Dig the Fabulous Thunderbirds “Girls Go Wild” (my favorite T-birds record) poster in the background. Tone matters. As Steve pointed out to me once, if you’ve got good…
Videos of the Day 25 Jan 2013: Andi Martin’s Youtube Channel
Andi Martin is a strong blues harp player based in Madrid who’s using a Digitech RP355 loaded with my patch set in his live performances. We like it. You can hear one of his performances in the video below. Check out Andi’s Youtube Channel (canal…
Alan Lomax’s Archives Online
Just click here. Need we say more? If you don’t know who Alan Lomax is or how he documented and thus changed the culture of the 20th (and 21st) century, take a look at this.
Looping with the RP: “The Road Out of Here”
I’ve been working lately on using my JamMan Stereo looper to put complete band arrangements together on the fly, using the Digitech RP355 to orchestrate. This piece, “The Road Out of Here” (copyright 2012 Richard Hunter/Turtle Hill Productions, all rights reserved) has been evolving, starting…
Rob Paparozzi with Digitech RP and Huntersounds patches: “In a Mellotone”
Rob Paparozzi, New York studio harmonica ace and lead singer with bands that include the Original Blues Brothers and Blood, Sweat, and Tears, just posted this piece to Youtube: Rob playing lead (on an Anthony Dannecker customized diatonic harp in Ab) on Duke Ellington’s classic…
Steve Baker LIVE in Mumbai (with Digitech RP255 and Huntersounds patches) Nov. 22 2012
Steve Baker wrote the following message to the Harp-L list today: Here’s a short video from my appearance at Mumbai’s BlueFrog club in November, performing with local musicians. I’m playing a CR element mic through a Digitech RP255 (Hunter patch Champ 2) direct into the…
Great performance, distorted recording: “So Sweet” with Brian Maw, Nov 16 2012
The quality of the recording attached to this post is not very high, but the performance is killer. This is me playing a Special 20 C harp through my Audix Fireball mic into my Digitech RP355 running a Champ amp model patch, and from there…
RP Tip #20: When you open the door to new sounds, new roles for the harp come too (clips included!)
I played three gigs last week with The Maw Band in Idaho, and of course I used the RP355 on all of them. I recorded all the shows on audio and video, and I’ve already started putting some of those recordings up on this site,…
Second Video of the Day 11 Nov 2012: Steve Baker and Opportunity, “The Very Thing…”
“… That makes you rich, makes me poor.” Baker here again is playing through an Ultimate 57 mic, into a Digitech RP255 running my patch set, into a Marble amp, and my goodness, don’t it sound nice. This is a performance with a lot of…
Video of the Day 11 Nov 2012: Steve Baker and Opportunity
This video shows Steve Baker in performance within the last couple of weeks, playing live with Opportunity, one of his killer bands. He sounds good, dunnhe? The main reason I draw attention to his sound is this: he’s playing into his Marble amp through a…
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