Overdubs, overdubs
Worked tonight on overdubs for “Blue Future” songs including “Mercy Me,” a 12-bar minor blues, and “Disconnected Blues,” a big strutting blues with a harp running through an envelope filter driving the tune. I’m liking a horn section of 2 harps, at least one pitch…
Stay tuned for the solo performances from SPAH 1997!
Got the live cassette tape recording of my solo performance at SPAH 1997 (among other things) from Randy Singer, and I’ve started to converting the tape to 16 bit WAV files. The set I played there was about 30 minutes long and included 10 or…
Two days left to help fund Richard Hunter’s “Blue Future” on Indiegogo!
Two days left to contribute to Richard Hunter’s “Blue Future” on Indiegogo! For $10 you can order a digital copy of “Blue Future”; for $20 you get that plus a signed copy of “The Lucky One” CD; and for bigger contributions, well, check it out…
Counting Down to the “Blue Future” Sessions This Weekend
I’m leaving for Philadelphia on Friday night, April 13 2018. Saturday morning we–me plus Mike Brenner, Mark Schreiber, John Cunningham, and engineer Pete Rydberg–begin recording the tracks for “Blue Future.” I’ve been working, working, working on these sessions. Practicing harmonica, thinking about the instruments for…
Thanks to everyone who contributed to our IndieGoGo campaign to fund “Blue Future!”
The campaign to fund my next record, “Blue Future,” has concluded at Indiegogo.com. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this project–we raised about $750, which will be used to help pay for mixing and mastering the record. Every penny helps!
Video of the Day Feb 19 2018: Steve Baker, “Brand New Day”
This is Steve Baker’s new video promoting his album release. Rockin’. Get the album here.
Video of the Day 11 January 2018: Steve Baker, “Apeman”
The Phil Wiggins/George Kirby/Andy Calder show in Jackson was a blast
I had the opportunity Wednesday night (10/25/2017) to hear Phil Wiggins, the great country blues harmonica player/ singer/composer, with George Kirby Jr. on guitar and Jackson local Andy Calder on standup bass at the Pink Garter in Jackson, WY. It was a great show, with…
How I recorded “Put The Lever Down” (2017 version)
Where “Put the Lever Down” came from I wrote the lick and harmony on which “Put the Lever Down” is based while I was hanging out in my car at one of my daughter’s skating meets around 1981, playing with a Dorian Minor tuned diatonic…
How I recorded the big harmonicas that light up “Make the Noiseâ€
Sometimes it takes years to write a song. I wrote the first draft of some of the lyrics to “Make the Noise,†the leadoff song on my record “The Lucky One,†15 or so years ago for a piece called “In the Time of Your…
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