The Kickstarter Campaign for “The Lucky One” is underway!
The Kickstarter campaign to fund my upcoming record “The Lucky One” has officially launched! To contribute to this groundbreaking electric harmonica record, just click here. We’ve put together a great set of rewards for this campaign, including digital downloads of the record, autographed copies of…
The Kickstarter Campaign for “The Lucky One” starts in a few days
As I work my way through writing and recording demos for my upcoming record project, “The Lucky One,” I keep in mind that making a record takes money as well as talent and dedication. On that score, within the next couple of days I’ll be…
Recording for the “The Lucky One” is Set for September in Philly
I’ve been hard at work writing songs and recording demos for the upcoming record sessions. The tentative title for this project is “The Lucky One.” We’ve set the date for the sessions in late September, and we’ve got guitarist Mike “Slo-Mo” Brenner, who I’ve played…
Video of the Day 13 May 2016: Jerome Peyrelevade
Grant Dermody’s got a Chicago Blues house party going on in Seattle tonight
We just got notice from our friend and harmonica player extraordinaire Grant Dermody, whose standard-setting record “Sun Might Shine on Me” was reviewed on this blog not long ago, that he’s playing a Chicago Blues party tonight in Seattle. Here are the specifics, straight from…
RIP Prince
I saw Prince perform a half dozen years or so ago at a club in Las Vegas. It was an incredible performance, easily the best I’ve ever seen in a nightclub, but I don’t think it was an unusually great show for Prince. He sounded…
The new record is taking form
A couple months ago I announced on this blog that I’m getting ready to make a record. The shape and sound of that record is coming into focus. For a start, it’s going to be stripped-down. I’ve realized that the stuff I’ve most enjoyed playing…
Slammin’ and Jammin’ in London (with audio)
I was in London earlier this week, and I had two opportunities to perform: once with Lowlands at the Windmill in Brixton, and once at the Tuesday night jam session run by Dov Jones at the Spice of Life in Soho. Both performances had their…
Video of the Day 24 Feb 2016: Will Pound and Eddy Jay, “Floating Candle”
Recording for the next Richard Hunter record begins in July!
It’s been over a decade since my most recent CD was released. In the meantime, I’ve been busy with lots of stuff; I wrote three books, I saved my wife’s life a couple of times, and I created a revolutionary new way for harmonica players…
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