The Huntersounds Patchsets for Fender Mustang Amps are here!
Getting set to release the Huntersounds Mustang patchsets–a few thoughts
I’m in the process of putting together the package for the Huntersounds Fender Mustang patchset v1, which will include dozens of amped blues and rock setups for harp players. I’m really happy with this set. It includes a wide variety of distinctive amped blues harp…
Digitech RP Tips and Tricks: How to get the Most from Your RP
This page contains our tips and tricks for harp players using our patch sets for Digitech RPs. We add new tips to this page frequently, so if you’re interested in getting the most from your RP, stop by every once in a while to see…
More Hot RP500 Sounds With the Lucky 13, Plus a Gift for RP500 Patchset Licensees
Happy Holidays everybody! (And no, that is NOT a political statement.) I’m still working on the sounds to go with the songs for the upcoming recording sessions for my next record, “Blue Future.” My favorite tool for making orchestral sketches (“orchestral” used here in a…
Mustang II v.2 patch set in beta, Mustang III v.2 patch set under development
I found out a day or so ago, just after I completed work on the beta test version of my first 24-patch set for the Fender Mustang II v.2, that bulk load patch sets created on the Mustang II won’t work on the Mustang III….
The Fender Mustang II v.2 has arrived–first impressions
I took delivery today on the used Fender Mustang II v.2 amp I bought online from Guitar Center. I paid a total of $146 for this amp shipped; could have saved another $26 by picking it up at the nearest Guitar Center, 45 minutes away,…
Prices for used (and some new) Digitech RPs are still dropping
I visited eBay and today to take a look at the prices for used Digitech RPs. The only harp-friendly RPs still in production include the RP500, 1000, and 360/360XP. But plenty of used RP150/155/250/255/350/355s are out there in good-to-great condition, sounding every bit as…
Digitech’s iStomp does a lot of cool stuff for short money (UPDATED)
For the last year or so, I’ve been using an effects pedal from Digitech, the iStomp, in front of my Digitech RP500 running my patch set. I just added another iStomp to my rig, and I reckon it’s time to talk about it.
“Blue Future” is delayed, but don’t be blue
As regular visitors to this site know, I’ve been planning to follow up my record “The Lucky One” with a new set of songs called “Blue Future.” The recording sessions were scheduled for October, but I had some family medical issues on the very weekend…
My Three Big Contributions
I’ve been playing harmonica since 1967, recording for myself and other artists since 1970, and helping other harmonica players make better music since 1980. In the last fifty-plus years I’ve made 3 major contributions to the art of the harmonica: 1) I wrote Jazz Harp,…
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